3 Invisible Person Images

The Invisibles

How to Make Yourself Invisible?

The basic idea behind making yourself invisible has to do with taking a “base image” of yourself or anyone else and then taking supplemental photos to composite over top the base image.

For example, if you want to make your head invisible, you would take a photograph of your head and then another photograph of your shirt in the same place. When you combine these photos together, it will look like the shirt is filled out from the base photo, but there will be no head from the photo of just your shirt.

Steps to follow:

Once you have assembled all your photos together, it is time to bring everything together in Gimp.

  1. To start, place the “base image” on the bottom of your layer stack. This will serve as a foundation in which you will composite all the other photos over. Next, lower the opacity of one of the “invisible” photos of your empty clothing and move it into place to cover the area where skin is showing. If needed, transform the layer and stretch it to fit into the image.
  2. Load a Layer Mask onto the “invisible” layer and fill it with black. Then paint white over the are you would like to be visible. In this case that means covering the skin. If everything lines up properly, it should look like part of your body just disappeared!
  3. Chances are, you will have to do a little bit of adjusting to get everything to fit together properly. Don’t forget you can use tools like the Clone Stamp Tool, or the Healing Brush Tool to blend everything together.
  4. If you find you need to make a well-defined edge, use the Pen Tool to create a selection, then load that selection into the layer mask.
  5. Repeat these steps for each are of the body, completing the invisible effect. Keep in mind that the fewer body parts you want to make invisible, the easier your job will be in Gimp.



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